Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back to Reality

Yesterday was my first day back to work in the two weeks since I had my foot/ankle surgery and it went very well. It is kind of tough to snap back into reality when there has been two weeks with no alarm clock and no worries. The other difficult thing is that my foot has been swelling because I cannot elevate it above my heart while I am at work. I may have found a way to alleviate that issue though. I brought a throw pillow to work and I think on my hour lunch I will figure out a way to elevate my foot. That should at least take away some of the swelling. The good news is that I haven’t had hardly any pain since I got my cast on.

Boy was that an experience! It was neat to get my splint off first because it was bugging me to no end! Second because I really wanted to see what the doctor did. Turns out I have 5 incisions!! And I had a ton of staples (I forgot to ask how many they pulled out). It hurt so badly to get the staples out!! So I am glad that is over with and now with my cast on there isn’t much pain but some discomfort and lots of swelling. I also have a cadaver bone (dead persons bone) in my foot now. Kind of weird to think about. Anyway…

So it has been quite the journey thus far. And the weather was so beautiful for a while! I went outside with no coat on Friday and that was awesome! I am so pumped for spring and the sun and the warm weather and the budding trees and flowers!!! The weather people say it supposed to snow tomorrow but I am not going to agree with that… I mean, they have wrong predictions all the time right? Right??

Hope everyone has a blessed day and an amazing week!!!

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